Ludovica Serafini Roberto PalombaThe result of natural inspiration and extensive research, Gregg’s shape recalls a large bowl smoothed by water or the egg of a mythological animal, a symbol of creation and regeneration. A pure and familiar volume due to its ease of reading, but surprising because Gregg’s asymmetrical shape changes its image depending on the observer’s point of view. An unprecedented solution to declining a traditional material such as glass thus becomes an instrument in the hands of the designer to give the environment an original character. Three different sizes in the pendant, table, ceiling, and wall versions: the Gregg collection is absolutely among the most versatile and transversal, fitting in easily with any context. In the domestic sphere, the warm and uniform light radiated by the white satin diffuser and the essential style has a strong functional and decorative value.
The shield of the bulb in each direction -thanks to the closed shape of the diffuser- protects from glare and facilitates its insertion even at different heights. Used in composition, Gregg can be applied to the most surprising uses: a “rain-like” structure that highlights the vertical extension of a stained glass window or a stairwell hole, with an effect of great scenographic impact; the longitudinal development of a multiplicity of suspensions at various heights generates very spectacular luminous false ceilings; repeated volume along a line introduces new perspectives. until reaching a luminous “trompe l’oeil”.